Entrepreneur Women in Development Countries by @AtellierOrganic
The research carried out in emerging countries by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO) found that women who own business have common characteristics regardless of the business turn, their establishment, administration, operation, and goals differs from that of the male gender. As they are oriented to own small businesses, make decisions based on different criteria, higher priority to quality of life rather than increase business income, and mainly seek to reconcile the different aspects of their life. In contrast to its counterpart that focuses on financial and economic aspects oriented to profitability.
In countries where there is a greater number of entrepreneur women there is a higher economic growth, in contrast to the countries where there is a stagnant economy, there is also an impact on the social environment (UNIDO, 2011). In spite of this, there is currently twice as much male entrepreneurship as female (Reynolds, et al, 2002).
The contribution of women in the economy of Latin America and the Caribbean had an increase of 35% in 1980 to 53% in 2007 promoting economic growth, financial security in the family, increase in the capacity of consumption and reduction in the poverty of the region. (Pages & Piras, 2010)
Despite the increase of the labor participation of the female gender, this one continues to have diverse problems, estimated according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) according to the report on the gender gap at global level 2016 that the equality of gender in the economic and labor activity will be possible in 170 years. (Hernández, 2016)
The gender gap in the business sector increases in developing countries, with the majority of countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region, where only 22% of women work independently (Hellen, 2010).
Entrepreneurship can become a means of economic inclusion for the female gender, especially those in developing countries that are victims of exclusion in different fields.
¡We need to promote women entrepreneurs who struggle every day for the development of their families and society¡
Heller, L. (2010). Mujeres emprendedoras en América Latina y el Caribe: realidades, obstáculos y desafíos. Santiago de Chile: United Nations.
Hernández, L. (October 25, 2016). Igualdad de género sería posible en unos 170 años, según el WEF. El financiero. Obtained from http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/economia/igualdad-de-genero-economica-y-laboral-una-realidad-en-170-anos-wef.html
Pagés, S; & Piras, C. (2010). El dividendo de género: como capitalizar el trabajo de las mujeres. BID. Washigton, D.C.
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). (2001). Women Entrepreneurship Development in Selected African Countries. Working Paper No. 7, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Vienna.
Atellier Organic. Joyas de Autor is a 100% Mexican brand, that started in 2011. Which manufactures and sells unique and unrepeatable handmade pieces of jewelry and goldsmith of natural semi-precious stones, with handcrafted techniques and ecological process.
Its founder by the fashion designer Patricia Guzmán graduated from the schools of high couture “Centro de Diseño de Modas” and goldsmith and jewelry “A Dos Manos”. As Co-Founder, her daughter, Nathalie Cervantes, who has a master´s degree in Marketing Management, and is the commercial manager.